Shiny Toys A/V Festival, Mülheim/Ruhr – impression

ok, but now – the classic event – some pictures..
every year – lovable visual experiments and music at
Shiny Toys a/v features so many different styles and forms – be there. very well done in this order :
▦ 18:00 Aude Rrose (stage 3) 3 projectors / mini sound tools
▣ 18:30 Phonopticon (stage 1) – quad sound live performance with electro acoustic „things“ on a table plus cello – very nerdy & nice to look at.
◧ 19:15 Aymen Gharbi (stage 2) typing stuff in arabic letters – do you know what he told us? (world lens doesn’t translate..)
▧ 19:45 Limpe Fuchs (stage 1) – large stone-phone, drums etc – and more – performance
◫ 20:30 Telefante (stage 3) – awesome super dark music, very organic, sort or morbid moods with projections from a box with slides and some light tricks (as always very simple but big impact) – mesmerized by some dark forces?
▤ 21:30 SPUNK (stage 1) – 4 ladies – experimental – very big bass from the brass (wow) fit totally well with processed voices plus cello/trumpet+flutes and a walkman. good flow
◪ 21:15 Tom Groll & Kuno Seltmann (stage 2) – maybe strange – to me something like electronic indians and camp fire of 2020 – that „drum“ had an inprint of plants/leafs – with light spot on. one guy may belong to the installation starring at the leaf-drum – liked the audio as well
◳ 22:15 Wolfgang Spahn (stage 3) – DIY modulars and visual inventions – experimental electronics – very nerdy, have a look at the pics!
▩ 23:00 The Dorf / RaumZeitPiraten (stage 1) – great combi, biiiig band incl Theremin, Buchla 200e and all kinds of instruments!
◱ 00:00 Sculpture (stage 3) – turntable used for visuals – danceable music, too (big up for that!)
◩ 01:00 Léonore Boulanger (stage 1) – love her – so cute creative (this time no electronics in here, but very late but worth it)
⬢ 01:30 Afterglow mit Michael Valentine West, Einar Zuviel und Visuals von Yochee (RLS HeidiHoh) ´- this was actually at about 4:00 – I needed to get some sleep, sorry.
▨ ∞ Ingo Wendt (RLS Drehscheibe) ab Dunkelheit (see below)